Figs are delicious, nutritious, and help to fulfill a range of dietary needs.
They are native to the Middle East, Southwest Asia, and North Africa. But they are now widely grown in temperate climates worldwide as their popularity has grown.
When Do Fig Trees Produce Fruit?

After planting, fig trees produce fruit within three to five years, during the late summer and early fall. The variety of fig trees and the local climate influence the precise harvest timing. Once mature, fig trees produce fruits yearly. Some fig trees may produce two crops, one in early summer and another in late summer or early fall.
- It’s essential to water your fig trees regularly.
- Fertilize the tree well in the early stages of its production to help it grow more figs.
Fig trees can be propagated from cuttings taken during the fruiting season. This means that you will always have a fresh supply of figs on hand, year after year. It will produce fruit every year if it is well-managed. You need to prune it in time and regularly.
Fig trees grow best in warm climates, but they can also be grown in colder climates if appropriately watered.
To ensure you get the most from your fig tree, it is crucial to know when the fig’s fruit season is right – this will depend on the variety of figs you are growing. Generally speaking, fig trees will only fruit after the cold winter months have passed. Seed production isn’t always ideal, and grafting is often a better option due to its higher success rate.
While various factors influence the number of figs a tree produces, the most critical part is the location. For example, fig trees in areas with a long frost-free season tend to bear fruit more prolifically.
- Be careful of any pests or diseases affecting your fig trees. If you notice anything, starting treatment before fruiting begins again is essential.
- Research different watering techniques and apply them during the winter when trees are less active.
It’s time to fig-out!
- The first crop, also known as the Breba crop, is typically harvested in May or June.
- The second crop can be harvested in October or November before the frost.
If you’re looking to pick your own crop, it’s best to do so when the fruits are at their sweetest. The size and shape of the figs will depend on how pollinated the tree was. If it was fertilized, there would be larger, sweeter figs; if not, there will be smaller, tart figs.
Do All Fig Trees Bear Fruit?
No, not all fig trees are capable of bearing fruit. Fig trees are classified into two types: fruiting and non-fruiting. Fruiting figs like Smyrna figs produce sweet and delicious fruits that are used in cuisine around the world. Non-fruiting figs like Capri figs do not produce any edible fruits.
Do Fig Trees Produce Fruit Before Leaves?

No, a fig tree does not produce fruit before leaves. It has several growth stages. The first stage is the bud, which has no leaves or flowers. Then it comes to the vegetative stage, where you will find leaves and shoots. Finally, the fig tree will bloom once the plant reaches maturity.
Some species of figs may indeed start producing fruits before they have fully grown their leaves. But it is not common in most species of fig trees.
How Many Fig Trees Do You Need to Produce Fruit?

This is a tricky question to answer. There are more than 700 species of figs. Most of them are self-pollinating.
And this pollinating happens by a special insect called a fig wasp. These wasps have unique habits that allow them to pollinate the figs successfully. So, in this case, most of the fig trees don’t need help from other fig trees nearby. They can produce fruit by themselves.
On the other hand, Smyrna figs get pollinated by Capri figs.
- Here, Smyrna depends on the male Capri figs, and they depend on each other for pollinating.
- In this case, you would need two fig trees for fig production.
When Should Fig Trees Start to Produce Ripened Fruit?

If you are in a temperate climate that experiences warm summers and mild winters, you can usually expect fig trees to start producing ripe fruits in between three to five years. This is the average time in most cases.
However, this timing can vary depending on the variety of fig and the climate where it is grown. In general, most fig trees will eventually produce fruits if they’re cared for properly.
How Long Does It Take a Brown Turkey Fig Tree to Produce Fruit?
A brown turkey fig typically takes around 3 to 5 years to produce fruits, just like most fig trees. But this can vary depending on the region, climate, and growing conditions.
- If you have a brown turkey fig, you’ll know when it’s ready to produce fruit by the seeds becoming visible outside the fig.
- A good characteristic of Brown Turkey fig trees is that they produce two yearly crops.
- The first crop comes in between late spring and early summer.
- The second crop generally comes in between late summer and early fall.
What Time of Year Do Fig Trees Bloom?

Figs are hardy trees that can withstand most climates. It makes them an ideal choice for landscapes in areas where winters are cold or summers are hot. The time of year that fig trees bloom depends on your climate. In general, figs are most likely to bloom in the summer months. Though there are differences depending on the variations and locations.
- If you live in a warm climate with mild winters, you may see fig trees bloom as early as March.
- If you live in an area with cold winters, you may have to wait until April or May to see the buds of your new fig trees.
What Month Do Fig Trees Bear Fruit?
Fig trees start to bear their first fruits in March and April. But this time can vary from year to year. The best way to know is by looking at its leaves. Many fig trees bear fruits which are known as Breba crop, which starts to form in the spring.
How Many Figs Does a Fig Tree Produce?
After about 3-4 years, a fig tree starts to produce fruits. And it can produce around 60 figs annually. If you take good care of the tree, the productivity will definitely increase gradually every year. So, look for hardy varieties in your region and have a good yield.
Pro-tip: fig fruit production can be boosted by pruning. It is typically done when the roots become too thick or tangled, which can help promote better fruiting and flowering.
How Many Figs Do Your Container Fig Trees Produce?
If your region faces a very cold winter every year, growing the fig tree in a container would be a great idea. You will get around 20 to 50 figs from your container fig tree every year. This is a decent amount of figs to get from a container-based fig tree.
- You can take the container inside your house if the winter is too cold to save the fig tree.
- Choose the right container, properly apply fertilizer, and water regularly.
- When spring comes, let the tree have enough sunlight to bloom again.
Here is a fig tree planting guide:
Reasons for a Fig Tree Not Fruiting
Your fig tree is probably not producing enough fruit to meet your needs. There are several reasons for this:
- Fig trees take time to be matured, and the process can vary depending on the variety of fig trees.
- They need a decent amount of sunlight. Without enough sunlight, the growth of leaves and flowers will be hampered.
- The soil needs to be fertile. If you don’t apply fertilizer for a long time, the tree will not grow enough.
- If the roots of the fig tree are damaged by too much watering or other conditions, it can lose the ability to absorb nutrients from the soil.
- If the weather is too cold, flowers will not develop correctly and fruit won’t be produced.
These are vital reasons for a fig tree not producing enough fruits. If you think your fig tree is suffering from any of these issues, it’s essential to address them as soon as possible. This will help ensure that the tree can reach its full potential and produce plenty of healthy fruits.
Tips for Producing Maximum Fig Fruits
Figs are delicious and versatile fruits that can be eaten fresh, dried, or preserved. Also, they have an aroma and flavor that is quite unique. Here are some tips for maximizing the fruits you produce:
- Figs need a warm and sunny location, so choose an area that is well-soaked in sunlight.
- Heavy clay soil will produce more figs than light sandy soil, so choose your location based on the type of soil in your area.
- Fertilize your fig tree regularly with a high-quality organic fertilizer to help promote healthy growth and yield.
- Ensure that you water your fig tree regularly.
- When harvesting the fruits, leave some on the branches so that they will continue producing more fruit in the future.
- Do not over-prune or remove too many branches. These actions will only serve to weaken it further and decrease yields overall.
Final Thoughts
Although they are challenging to grow, if you can find a suitable variety and meet their exacting growing conditions, you’ll have a tree that returns your investment many times with its delicious figs.